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Writer's pictureCM Francis

The Day I... Realized I Can't Juggle

Well, I knew I couldn't juggle, even before the brain aneurysm (I've always been awful with my hand-eye-coordination). What I meant was juggling One Term Left last minute touches, The Night at Times Square proof read my proof editor's, and get started on Black Hole Symphony.

Last week, I got the chance to relax on the beach and an AIrbnb's house at Falmouth. While relaxing, I wrote approximately 9,000 words, the first three chapters completed (rough draft though, remember, only rough, rough draft). I thought as soon as I got home Saturday morning, the inspiration from the beach would rub off on me.

But I was wrong.

Every time I sat down to write a half hour writing sprint, my brain was foggy, and I ended up watching Switched at Birth. So, I decided to focus one thing a time, One Term Left last minute touches. On Wednesday, I conquered the first task, which was to write a synopsis (check), write a "Special Thanks" page (double check), and write "About the Author" (triple check!).

I've been reading a book by Falon Ballard called Lease on Love. I finished her second book, Just My Type, and I thought it was so wonderful that I wrote about a paragraph long email to her. AND SHE WROTE BACK! Us writers have got to stick together, whether it's someone like Stephen King, a self publisher like myself, or a reader like you. The past few months have been difficult, but if I focus on tiny tasks, everything will be so worth it.

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